Help Center / Domain Names

How to Update Domain Nameservers

Updated: November 27, 2023

When registering a domain name with us, the default nameservers are already set to point to our servers by default. Should you need to update the nameservers, this guide will show you step-by-step instructions on how to update DNS.

Step 1

25% Complete (success)
Client Area

Log into the client area.

Step 2

50% Complete (success)
Select My Domains

From the top navigation bar, select Domains > My Domains from the drop-down menu.

Step 3

75% Complete (success)
Manage Nameservers

Find the domain name that you would like to update the nameservers and on the right side
of the menu, click on the Tool icon. From the drop-down menu, select Manage Nameservers.

Step 4

100% Complete (success)
Edit Nameservers

From the radio buttons, you will find two options. Select Use Custom Namervers. In the form
fields, enter the new nameservers. Once completed, click Change Nameservers button and
your nameservers for your domain have now been updated.

Note: Please be aware that when you update your domain nameservers, it could take up to 48 hours for them to resolve. This term is known as "Propagation". During this time-frame, you may not be able to access your website. A very handy tool to check is DNS Checker that will provide the progress of DNS resolution.

Is your domain name registered with an alternate domain registrar ?
Please refer to the following guides:

Namecheap - How to Update Domain Nameserver

GoDaddy - How to Update Domain Nameserver

Enom - How to Update Domain Nameserver