Help Center / Domain Names

How to Create an Addon Domain

Updated: November 27, 2023

An Addon Domain is a cPanel application that allows you to add additional domain names to your webhosting account. The number of Addon Domains that are allocated varies, depending on your webhosting plan.

Addon domains allow you to control multiple domains from a single account. An addon domain links a new domain name to a directory in your account, and then stores its files in that directory.

In this guide, we will show you how to create an Addon Domain within cPanel.

Note: Make sure you have enough allocated addon domains. You could find this information on the right panel in cPanel > Statistics

Step 1

33% Complete (success)
Cpanel Login Screen

Log into your cPanel Account.

Step 2

66% Complete (success)
cPanel Addon Domain

Scroll down to Domains section and click on the Addon Domains icon.

Step 3

100% Complete (success)
cPanel Addon Domain form

New Domain Name: Enter the domain name that you would like to add.

Subdomain: This field will automatically fill after entering domain name.

Document Root Enter the relative path to where you want the domain name
to become accessible.

Most commonly, public_html is used to have your website published and accessible
via the world wide web, however you may choose any path to the directory you prefer,
to create an Addon Domain.

Click Add Domain when done.

Note: If you have recently updated your domain nameservers, please be aware that it may takeup to 24-48 hours for the change to take effect. This period is called DNS propagation. It is a period of time ISP (Internet service provider) nodes across the world take to update their caches with the new DNS information of your domain.