Help Center / Security

How to Convert and Download an SSH Key

Updated: November 27, 2023

In order to convert and download an SSH key, you must first Generate and Authorize an SSH key.

Your SSH session can be authenticated either with the username and password or with a pair of private/public keys. It is recommended to use a pair of private/public keys, as it is considered to be a more secure and convenient solution.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to Convert and Download an SSH Key.

Note: You must have Shell Access (SSH) enabled in order to establish a secure SSH connection. Contact Support to request SSH access.

Step 1

20% Complete (success)
Cpanel Login Screen

Log into your cPanel Account.

Step 2

40% Complete (success)
cPanel Security SSH Access

Scroll down to Security section and click on the SSH Access icon.

Step 3

60% Complete (success)
Access SSH Keys

Click the Manage SSH Keys button.

Step 4

80% Complete (success)
View Download Private Key

Locate the key name and click on the View/Download link.

Step 5

100% Complete (success)
Convert id_rsa key

Navigate to the Convert the "id_dsa" key to PPK format section.

Enter the passphrase used to generate the SSH key in the Enter the passphrase to unlock
the "id_dsa" key for conversion

Click Convert .