Help Center / Domain Names

How to Setup A Records

Updated: November 27, 2023

  A DNS (Domain Name System) name server stores DNS records for a domain name. There are many types of DNS records, but some of the most common are TXT Records,CNAME Records and A Records.

In this guide, we will show you how to create A Records.

Step 1

25% Complete (success)
Cpanel Login Screen

Log into your cPanel Account.

Step 2

50% Complete (success)
cPanel Zone Editor

Navigate to Domains section and click on the Zone Editor icon.

Step 3

75% Complete (success)
cPanel A Record

Click on the A RECORD button and a prompt dialog will appear.

Step 4

100% Complete (success)
cpanel Add Record Prompt

Once the prompt dialog appears, enter the name and the IP address that you want your domain name
to point to. Click Add An A Record" button.

Thats it! You have now successfully added an A Record to your domain name.